Why Evaluating Instincts is More Valuable than Evaluating Personality

The quest to understand the people around you is as ancient as society itself. Early attempts at humorism resulted in the Four Temperaments Theory, which the Greek philosopher, Hippocrates, headlined. The theory has served as the basis of the works done by many researchers and psychologists in modern times.

The two most famous systems today are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators and the DiSC assessment. While employers all across the nation are placing heavy emphasis on personality tests such as the two above, at The Instinctive Advantage, we believe they should be putting their efforts into something that looks a little deeper than one’s personality. The emphasis should be on a person’s instincts.

Enter Kolbe Wisdom™

Whenever the subject of assessments is brought up, the quickest conclusion is common tests like the SATs. Employers have used such tests before to appraise knowledge whenever they hold training, or for pre-employment or promotional purposes. These types are known as cognitive tests and are meant to check a person's skill, or ability to recall what they've learned at that particular moment.

Next up, you have what’s most cherished for HR departments and recruiting services. These are the personality tests mentioned earlier, that is, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and others like the Clifton StrengthsFinder. The purpose of these tests is to bring to light the emotional traits the people you are testing possess.

These personality tests help people relate better with each other in professional environments, as they highlight the emotional strong points and weaknesses of the individuals themselves. They can provide information about the attitudes and feelings towards certain things in life, and therefore, become a predictor of whether that person can fit in your team or not.

The third type is what the Kolbe A™ Index  is built on. First, notice that Kolbe intentionally does not use the word ‘assessment’ - as this implies a value proposition, and it is natural to wonder “did I get a good score?”  The Kolbe A™ Index focuses on the instincts and will a person has. While personality tests are great at giving a picture of a person's emotional make-up, they do nothing to inform how that person takes action.

This impacts employee communication, human resources, team development, and much more. 

Why Use Kolbe?

Personality tests are wonderful, but they don't tell the full story. Yes, they will give you accurate results, but those outcomes are time-barred. Here's how.

When someone is taking the test, the results they get point to how they do things now or have done them in the past. It's a reflection of how that person prefers to approach issues, and how such an approach makes them feel. These actions tend to predispose them to exhibit a certain personality style.

However, no human personality remains the same all their life. As people grow older, they gain more confidence from their work and life experiences. Also, when people start making significant money or solving fundamental problems in their lives, their emotional responses change.

In turn, this translates to personality changes. How you would have reacted to certain stimuli 2 years ago is quite different from what you now do. However, what may remain constant is how you choose to take action in handling some of the issues or situations in your life.

This is the reason conative tests are valuable to any employer looking to build a highly functional team. The Kolbe Indexes reveal the natural talents people possess and the instincts which enable them to be productive. You will have a foolproof way to determine which employees best suit the goals set for your company. 

How Does the Kolbe Test Compare to Other Personality Tests?

As mentioned earlier, personality tests are based on the Four Temperament system that dates back to Ancient Greece, and the Big Fiver personality system that began in the 1980s. While the system was quite revolutionary, its assumptions did not entirely capture the idiosyncrasy that is human nature.

A good example to look at would be the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators. It's an ideal system that has 16 different personality types. While the MBTI system is quite wonderful, it's difficult for all humans to just fit into 16 different types.

Every human is unique. How you take action is not how the person next to you will. You may both be INTJs, but one of you approaches life and its functions from a completely different direction than the other. This is where the Kolbe A™ Index will be able to tell the two of you apart. Click here to see in more detail how the Kolbe A™ Index differs from other tools.

What Does the Kolbe System Represent?

As Kathy Kolbe, the lead researcher and founder of the Kolbe System, states, "Success is the definition of the freedom to be yourself." Most people will take jobs that don't suit their talents or even measure up to their potential. For an employer, this is an opportunity to put the employee with the right material into a position that can best exploit their talents. At The Instinctive Advantage, we believe understanding the instincts of your employees is valuable data both for personal and professional reasons.

Are You Using The Right Professional Assessment?

Each type of assessment you give your employees will reveal different qualities. The uses of each assessment will depend on the outcome you are looking to achieve. The Instinctive Advantage your employees have will be easily brought out by the Kolbe Assessment; however, the other personality tests will highlight different qualities and benefits as well.

For example, the DiSC profile can highlight communication needs for your entire team. The StrengthsFinder helps your team understand team contribution, and the MBTI helps people determine how they function internally. 

We believe that the Kolbe Assessment is the most impactful assessment tool your team can utilize. Still curious as to why? Check out a blog we wrote a while back that helps answer the question, which assessment is right for my team?  

Or, contact us today to learn more about instinct evaluation and how it can impact your business’ productivity starting today!