How Visionaries & Integrators Who Are Implementing EOS Can Better Understand Themselves And Their Team Members

The Entrepreneurial Operating System, EOS for short, is a set of practical tools and concepts used by over 100,000 companies around the globe to simplify, clarify and attain their vision. With Kolbe serving as the endorsed tool of EOS Worldwide, there is a natural overlap between these two worlds. EOS sets the vision, but Kolbe provides the baseline understanding of the individuals charged to establish that vision.

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LeadershipErin WerdeLeadership
3 Instinctual Parenting Decisions You Make Everyday, And How They Impact Your Children’s Success

While understanding conation will not impact the outcome of these decisions, I truly believe that understanding instincts (both for parent and child) can help us as parents better create situations our kids can succeed in; especially with respect to the world we are living in. Specifically, I wanted to identify the 3 instinctual decisions you make (and can make) every single day, addressing how these decisions impact your children’s success.

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What Does Communication Look Like in This Virtual Time, and how has it Changed Organizational Productivity (Addressing Both the Negative & Positive)

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has completely and immediately shifted the operations of organizations all over the world, and because of this, many leaders were forced to adapt very quickly; essentially over the weekend. This, coupled with other economic factors has placed companies in difficult situations, and unfortunately, the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t very clear (at least as I write this post).

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Keeping Your Team Engaged During the COVID-19 Outbreak, and What to Plan for When Quarantine is Over

While organizations continue to look for answers to help us all better navigate this new normal, many leaders are left to fend for themselves, dealing with the magnification of both positive and negative team dynamics. So, let’s dive into ways you can keep your team successful during the COVID-19 outbreak, and how to best plan for when quarantine is over.

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What is Certain During Times of Uncertainty

Simply put, two weeks ago many of us probably didn’t think about social distancing as something we’d ever have to practice, much less the significance of why we would practice it. But nonetheless, here we are, clinging to the things we know. We call those things instincts, and as I reflect on my work the last many years, I can’t help but dissect this pandemic in terms of what’s happening in the workforce.

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How To Productively Lead Through Change

Over the last few months my blogs have talked a lot about examining the individuals and teams within your organization, and scaling them accordingly. In this post we’re going to talk about what is looks like to actually lead through what’s uncovered in the results, and how to maintain your productivity as you impact change.

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Are Your Employees Experiencing Stress?

As a reader of this blog, most likely you have taken the Kolbe A™ Index. And, for many of you, your team members have taken the Kolbe A™ as well (and you have a deep understanding of your results). You joke around in meetings when you see someone’s Initiating Quick Start™ kick into action; and know not to interrupt that Initiating Follow Thru™ when their door is closed.

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